portico185 - website



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"If you think math is hard try web design"
Trish Parr

portico185 - website


LOCATION: www.portico185.it

YEAR: 2022
Portico185 is a furniture showroom in Gazzaniga, a reference point for quality design in the Seriana Valley. Born from the 30 years of experience in the world of interior design gained by the owners who decide, in 2022, to found the portico185 brand and to entrust the entire communication for the launch of the new reality to our studio.

The site is one of the tools we have created to present, promote and show the company's work. It coordinates perfectly with the flavor of the furniture display: it is modern and is characterized by a "light" and modern design, with large empty spaces between the elements that favor the pleasant use of the pages by a sophisticated audience, such as the Portico185 target.

Ample space is dedicated to images, carefully selected, in order to best express the design idea of ​​Portico185. The added value of a multidisciplinary studio like ours is to have many years of experience in the world of interior architecture and design, with a particular relationship with the world of furniture and furnishing showrooms.
This allows us to reserve targeted and highly specialized consultancy for customers who make a living from design.We conceive, design and develop websites, online and offline advertising campaigns and we take care of the whole process for the construction of a clear and well-defined brand identity.

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portico185 - website


LOCATION: www.portico185.it

YEAR: 2022

Portico185 is a furniture showroom in Gazzaniga, a reference point for quality design in the Seriana Valley. Born from the 30 years of experience in the world of interior design gained by the owners who decide, in 2022, to found the portico185 brand and to entrust the entire communication for the launch of the new reality to our studio.

The site is one of the tools we have created to present, promote and show the company's work. It coordinates perfectly with the flavor of the furniture display: it is modern and is characterized by a "light" and modern design, with large empty spaces between the elements that favor the pleasant use of the pages by a sophisticated audience, such as the Portico185 target.

Ample space is dedicated to images, carefully selected, in order to best express the design idea of ​​Portico185. The added value of a multidisciplinary studio like ours is to have many years of experience in the world of interior architecture and design, with a particular relationship with the world of furniture and furnishing showrooms.

This allows us to reserve targeted and highly specialized consultancy for customers who make a living from design.
We conceive, design and develop websites, online and offline advertising campaigns and we take care of the whole process for the construction of a clear and well-defined brand identity.


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